Amber Hansford grew up a Navy brat, moving up and down the East and West coasts for most of her youth, finally landing in Atlanta, Georgia, and working in the tech industry for many, many years. She’s been a front-end developer, designer, product manager, and UX Director, working on everything from major league sports sites to supply chain software.

Throughout it all, though, she was writing. 

For most of the time, her writing was really just for her, whether it was fanfic or original work, she kept it to herself. Sometime around the early 2000s, she found and decided to try and share some Highlander (the TV show, not the movie) fan fiction she’d written a few years prior at the urging of some IRC folks who were all enamored with Methos (I mean, who wasn’t?). If you put a little googling effort in, it still exists on the Internet. Just… be kind.

When she’s not writing, her Too-Much Gene takes over, and you can find her at Dragon Con as the track director for the Filk Music Track, working on her freelance design and development work, or trying her hand at a new hobby that’s struck her fancy as a potential Apocalypse SkillTM. Lately, that’s been embroidery, which may not be Apocalypse-worthy, but she seems to enjoy it.

Amber still lives in Atlanta with her husband, kid, and her “lab-mix” rescue pup, Belle.