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I’ve decided to try and quit smoking. Well, I’d put it on my 101 Things in 1001 Days listing (#20), but I think I’m ready to at least start looking at my different options. I don’t know how successful I’ll be, but I really need to do something. There’s not any particular thing that’s making me feel this way, other than when I was sick at the beginning of the year. My throat was so terribly raw, I should have quit smoking then, since it took me almost 3 days to go through a pack of cigarettes. In the past few months, I’ve been smoking just under a pack a day, so that was an extreme difference. Yes, I was cranky, but at the same time, I was generally miserable anyway, so there really wasn’t much of a difference.

So, I’ve been surfing through Phillip Morris and their QuitAssist, trying to get ideas as to how to go about this. The first thing that I need to do is find the date to officially begin this hell that will be quitting, from what I’m reading, then decide how it is that I’m going to go about it. My question out to the internets is to see how any of y’all have been successful at quitting (Yeah, I’m looking at you, Pete). Any ideas for the stressed out girl that doesn’t want to blow up like a Macy’s Day Balloon?ost that’s scheduled to be published in the future (provided that it’s not imported as a draft).

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Na-Na-Nanowrimo Time

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