I?m a Buckhead Betty Now

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There?s so much that is just floating around in my brain, I think it?s time for another Random Bullet List?.

Did anyone watch Heroes last night? My normal Heroes guest didn?t come over, so I really need to share with someone my love of this show.
I?m dreaming about work. That scares me a little.
But, in my dream, I did win the lottery, so I could tell the Working World to go and stuff it. Which was nice.
I?ve been driving into work the last few days,and it does amaze me the shortness of time driving has taken, compared to MARTA. Even with traffic. That, or I?m just getting used to driving in Atlanta, which is a whole different kind of scary.
I received some wonderful gifts for Mother?s Day from Elizabeth, including new ear buds for my iPod and a new Fossil watch, since I killed mine a while back. What I would have loved to have received from BabyDaddy was the dishes getting washed, but I also knew not to hold my breath.
I broke down and started looking for a nanny for Elizabeth once she starts Kindergarten. Basically, the school she?ll be going to doesn?t have an after-school program there, and her current after-school daycare can?t tell me if they?ll go and pick her up from that school. So, unless I do end up winning the lottery, I need someone to be able to stay with her until one of us can get home, which is why I started up a profile at atlnanny.com, which I think has now officially makes me a Buckhead Betty, I think.
Could I have my lottery win now, please?
Still no word on whether or not Jericho is getting renewed officially, and I?m really starting to get irritated.

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