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Mommy Bloggers Unite!

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Maybe I?ll either a) get a spare moment at work or b) have my internet back on this evening at home (really long story) to be able to tell y?all about how I went to a Mommy Bloggers Meet-up (sponsored by the National Dairy Council) at Super Suppers in Decatur last night and had a really fun time.

Or maybe I can just be a complete dork and say it was SO FREAKIN? COOL to finally meet Zoot and Lil?Z face-to-face. She?s my very first blogger that I?ve met that I read.

But for now, I?ve got to actually get some work done.

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Nanowrimo 2023 Writer badge

Na-Na-Nanowrimo Time

The first day of November has always been a world of extremes for me regarding writing, thanks to National Novel Writing Month, lovingly referred to