
Three Months

When the new year came around, I was trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up and promising to write here every week this year. Then I lost my job. Then I lost my mother. It’s been three months today since myself, my stepfather, my grandmother and all of her siblings gathered around her hospital bed as she breathed her last. Three months since I really, honestly could say that

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Sing Out, Rose!

While some might think it’s a little weird to get a hotel room for a local con, I’ve found that it’s a necessity, especially when it’s a con for something like filk. Which is why you’ll find me near the airport this weekend for GAFilk, singing and hanging out on the smoking patio.

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Taking Back the Blog (and possibly my life)

I’ve said this before, and I’ll probably say it again, but sometimes it comes down to starting back up something once forgotten. Like this blog. I have been occasionally posting flash fictions here, in hopes that by posting them I’d actually start using this blog again. So far, not really. But as I was working on a quick print advertisement for the Filk Track (where I’m not only the resident webby, but also the Assistant

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flash fiction

Flash Fiction – A Second Game of Aspects

The Great and Powerful Chuck Wendig has a new Flash Fiction contest with the amazingly great prize for a random entry to go to Crossroads Writers Conference in Macon, GA, Oct. 5-7, 2012.   Superhero / In a Vehicle Traveling Down the Highway / Weapons of Mass Destruction ————————— The Last Will and Testament of the Whip

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flash fiction

Flash Fiction – Doll Heads

I’ve been trying to write on the two pieces I have up at BookCountry, so I’ve been remiss with keeping up with my Flash Fiction. So when I saw the amazing Chuck Wendig (@ChuckWendig) tweet a reminder that his Flash Fiction Challenge was due on Friday at noon, I had to jump on it. What’s the challenge this week, you ask? Just this picture: My contribution is below the fold. I will say, this ended

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flash fiction

Flash Fiction Friday, Cycle 30; Comes the Dawn

I’m a slacker, as many of you are completely familiar with. But I’ve been trying to get back into not only the habit of writing, but to get better at writing outside of my comfort level. Flash Fiction is one of those things that seem to be allowing me to get off my butt and write, but also gives me an outlet to give some styles, plots and time periods a try that I’m not

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Starting Over

The stars have aligned badly lately, with moving hosts, corrupted database backups, and just general malaise stopping me from writing… so consider this as the slate wiped clean… I’m starting over.

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101 Things in 1001 Days – The List

This took me a tad longer than I expected to be honest, as I wanted to put things on this list which I?d actually do, versus stuff that just looks good. The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some

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See Ya, 2008?

I?ve decided that Twitter and Facebook, hell, all social media, is killing my ability to post on here anymore. So what I?ve decided is to resurrect my former attempt at 101 Things in 1001 Days, using the lovely Miss Zoot?s list as a model to help me from getting too overwhelmed with the list as I did last time. I?ll see about posting it as soon as I finish the list, though tomorrow I?m making

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Houses, Houses Everywhere

Ever since the landlady made us aware of the fact that she was thinking of putting the house we?re currently renting on the market, I?ve been toying with the idea of biting the bullet and buying my first house. BabyDaddy can?t be on the mortgage, as he?s been out of work for the majority of the year, so it would be for me to carry the purchase of a house. Our lease isn?t up until

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